This project, commissioned by the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA), the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and funded by the European Union, reflects the necessity to adopt a creative approach, able to bring and include more women in the maritime industry, particularly within Europe. This research is focussed on ‘Pillar two’, contributing to an attractive, smart and sustainable working environment in the shipping sector – ‘WESS’. Aiming firstly to address the issue of women seafarers being underrepresented in the industry. Secondly, we aim to identify the best practices companies can adopt in order to attract more women in the industry and offer equal opportunities.
The recommendations are underpinned by findings from robust and substantial research conducted through a literature review, an industry survey, expert interviews, a European country-wide audit and three round table discussions. The research element identified instances of best practice which should be applied more generally.
Activities completed under PILLAR on Women in shipping :
Gender balance in the EU maritime sector- publication of report, aiming to promote good practices that enhance the recruitment and retention of women in the industry, including recommendations to deal with gender policies in the workplace
- Executive Summary Click Here
- Final Report Click Here
- Career Booklet in English Click Here
- Career Booklet in French Click Here
- Career Booklet in German Click Here
- Campaign Material Click Here
- Online Survey Find Your Maritime Career Click Here